FREE members webpage on the PHPA

Use your listing to attract more clients

If you are a member of the PHPA then we can help you to promote your practise even further by offering a FREE web page where potential clients can learn more about your practice and what you can offer.

Most clients like to know more about their prospective therapist before making a decision and booking a session. Your listing is the first step towards building a rapport with your client and in a competitive market it is important to get this right. Your personalised web page can include:

  • Areas of specialty
  • Background information/interests
  • Directions to your practice
  • If you offer online sessions or in-person only
  • Opening days and times
  • Picture
  • Training and experience
  • Your profile

Information will be published in the format that you provide so we strong recommend paying attention to grammar and spelling and putting your message across in a friendly and approachable manner.

Success stories can also be included in your enhanced listing.

There is no additional fee for this service so if you wish to take advantage of an enhanced listing please send your details in an email to PHPA Support and we will contact you if we need any further information.

Please note that we can only accept pictures that are in a jpeg, jpg, gif or png format.

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