Aims of the PHPA

  • To improve the standards of Hypnotherapy worldwide.
  • To maintain an International Register of Practising Hypnotherapists who have demonstrated competence in this field.
  • To maintain a Strict Code of Ethics and Practice and a Complaints and Disciplinary Procedure to deal with complaints from any source.
  • To provide information promoting hypnotherapy, psychotherapy and related subjects.
  • To encourage high training standards and to move towards recognised qualifications in Hypnotherapy.
  • To encourage links with other interested associated organisations and professions.
  • To provide a professional and unequalled service to its members, the public, the media, and affiliates.
  • To promote within the profession, the dissemination of information about Hypnotherapy.
  • To issue membership certificates and make available Professional Indemnity Insurance for UK members.
  • To maintain contact with the medical profession and other complementary disciplines.
  • To promote the recommendations of the 1993 BMA report 'COMPLEMENTARY MEDICINE - new approaches to good practice'.
  • To improve and increase the knowledge and skill of all members by providing workshops, seminars and meetings demonstrating special techniques and skills.

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